To find our large center in Ongata Rongai
follow Sironik Rd., take the junction to the right into Olepussy Rd., House no OP25

We have a Special Offer!
up to 60% off the normal prices: all day only Kshs 200
(see all details here: Link to Special Offer)

In this center we offer:

  1. BABYCARE and PLAY GROUP for children between 5 months and 3 years
  2. BABYCLASS for children between 3 and 4 years
  3. NURSERY and PRE-UNIT for children from 4 to 6 years

We will serve children from the areas of Rongai, Kiserian, Karen, Langata, and the areas of South C and Nairobi west. Transport is available.
The prices of the child-care service are for example Kshs 500 per day (all details here).
The charges for the pre-school classes are Kshs 21,500 per term (all details here).

  • School time for Baby Class, Nursery and Pre-Unit is Monday to Friday
    from 8.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
  • Babycare and Play Group the stay in the center is Monday to Friday
    anytime between 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.
  • On Saturday and Sundays, parents can rent our playground for personal activities such as birthday parties and other children fun activities.

Why your child will benefit from
The Mother Goose Baby-care Kenya?

  1. We have well-trained and experienced nannies and teachers.
  2. We follow a curriculum (both Waldorf and Montessori) which is responsive to the children developmental stages and nurturing of children’s imaginations. We cater the needs of children and encourage creativity and free-thinking.
  3. We offer a safe, secure and nurturing environment for the children, and protects their childhood from harmful influences from the broader society.
  4. Together with the daily innovative program we will help your young one discover that learning is all fun.
  5. We have highly equipped good, big and safe playgrounds and also indoor activities.
  6. The center in Ongata Rongai is away from the main road, which offers cool and silent environment conducive for learning environment.
  7. The number of children in a classroom is very minimal.
    A maximum of 15 children per unit.
  8. The ratio of teacher to children in low.
  9. We offer non-curriculum activities such as school tours, sports, swimming,
    inter-schools challenges etc.
  10. We have an affordable school fees.
  11. We provide a balanced diet with new menu each day.
  12. No school uniform for the children.

Ongata Rongai map

5 Responses

  1. hilda nyambura says:

    following to your advertisement.please m asking for a job opporunity at your school.blessed day

  2. hillary Anaya says:

    how much does someone pay per term baby class

  3. Geraldine says:

    Hi is your daycare still operational?

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